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School’s Not Out For Summer


The Irish Georgian Society and the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society have teamed up to keep you full of learning this summer. They have put together a cross-border summer school in Armagh and Monaghan called Conservation without Frontiers: Historic Buildings of Armagh & Monaghan in Context. Taking place over three days, 25 to 27 June 2015, the summer school is for enthusiasts, practitioners and students who want to debate and discuss issues relating to our Irish heritage in the context of the two counties.

Leaders of the summer school will include architects and architectural historians, conservation officers and heritage officers, planners and well known academics.

Key themes will be:

OUR CATHEDRALS: Ecclesiastical reordering and liturgical changes in Saint Macartan’s, Monaghan, and Saint Patrick’s, Armagh, and in the Church of Ireland

PLANNING OUR CONSERVATION AREAS: Conservation areas in The Mall and Market Square, Armagh, and architectural conservation areas in Church Square, Main Square and Market Square, Monaghan

HERITAGE: Regeneration through the restoration of houses in Armagh and the introduction of new housing in Glaslough, Monaghan

COMMUNITY CONSERVATION and PUBLIC REGENERATION: Community conservation projects at Saint Peter’s Church, Laragh, and Dartrey Mausoleum, and public regeneration projects at Palace Demesne and the Women’s Prison, Armagh

For further info go HERE

This is not an IAF event